
Quote of the Day

Television often depicts people living perfect lives without any imperfections.  I simply strive to live an imperfect life to perfection.  -PTS

A Very Real Life Application of the Stable Marriage Problem

I recently stumbled upon a mathematical problem known as the  Stable Marriage Problem (SMP).  Per Wikipedia, the problem is commonly stated as: Given N men and N women, where each person has ranked all members of the opposite sex with a unique number between 1 and n in order of preference, marry the men and women together such that there are no two people of opposite sex who would both rather have each other than their current partners. If there are no such people, all the marriages are "stable". The SMP has real-life applications to any problem requiring stable pairing of two sets of equal size. In fact, this problem is always solvable using the Gale-Shapley algorithm . There is a rather big catch however.  While the marriages are always stable, they may not be ideal from the vantage point of an individual.  To illustrate this, imagine three men A,B,C and three women X,Y,Z. Here are their ranked preferences for members of the other group:...

Brian Greene's Talk on TED

Here is a great video  from Brian Greene, renowned theoretical physicist and author of The Elegant Universe , among various books.  The video touches on a number of hot concepts of the day, from inflation, dark matter, string theories, to explaining why we are indeed living in a multi-verse. -PTS

Quote of the Day

You can certainly fit a square peg into a round hole. Just make the square peg smaller.  -PTS

Quote of the Day

Stability is merely an excuse to be content with the status quo.  This is why I love change! -PTS

9 Equations a True Geek Should Know

Came across this  article  which is entertaining to read while keeping score!  I scored 2 of 9 - Uncertainty Principle and Maxwell's Equations. The good news is I do not qualify as a geek, but that also means there is so much more to learn when I retire. -PTS

Book Review: Outliers: The Story of Success

A recent good read, which changed my perspective on what it takes to become a wild success in life. The  Outliers   is about how success is affected by external factors beyond individual characteristics. These factors include culture, social systems, even friends and families. Here are some highlights: The Matthew Effect  – Canadian professional hockey players are mostly born in the early months of a year because the age cutoff for tryouts is January 1st. These players when trying out during childhood, have months of physical development over their later-born counterparts. This is a huge advantage which gives successful candidates access to premium coaches and programmes for years, hence an ever increasing head-start eventually leading to professional careers. Similar patterns are found in Major League Baseball, English Premier League, among other sports leagues.  Even when it comes to school, kids born later in the year...